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Chamber Music Hall

BALUARTE’s Chamber Music Hall can accommodate 444 people and is the ideal place for medium-sized meetings or congresses. Located on the ground floor of the building next to the interior cafeteria, it is also used for concerts and other small-format cultural activities. It has its own cloakroom, located next to the entrance doors.

The hall has an audiovisual control booth with sound mixing board, lighting and simultaneous interpreting booths and a 5 x 4m projection screen. The 104 m2 stage has a maximum depth of 7.2 m and a maximum width of 14.5 m.

Technical data

Total capacity: 444 seats
Audiovisual cabin with sound table
Lighting cabin
Cabins and equipment for simultaneous translation
Projection screen of 5 x 4
Surface: 104 m2
Maximum Depth: 7,2 m
Width: 14,5 m



Photographs (click to enlarge)

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