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Congress Rooms

On its third floor BALUARTE has views over the Citadel and the plaza through large windows in the lobby and corridors. The versatility of the Ciudadela y Luneta rooms, specifically designed for meetings and congresses, means that they can be arranged in different layouts through modular panels. The two rooms are separated by the third floor lobby.

Sala Ciudadela

Sala Ciudadela has a surface area of 440m2 and a maximum height of 5m. It has 4 booths for audiovisual control and simultaneous interpreting and can be divided into eight small rooms.

Sala Luneta

Sala Luneta covers 440m2 and a maximum height of 5m. It has 4 booths for audiovisual control and simultaneous interpreting and can be divided into four small rooms.

Technical data

Surface: 440m2 each room
Maximum height: 5 m
4 Cabins for audiovisual control and simultaneous translation
Ciudadela Room: divisible into eight rooms
Luneta Room: divisible into four rooms



Photographs (click to enlarge)

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