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Exhibition halls

BALUARTE’s Exhibition Hall is surprisingly large, with excellent light and an absence of columns. The dark grey colour of the floor contrasts with the white walls and glass that provide a view over the plaza. The room is cut off from the rest of the building by a large reddish wooden wall; the same lining as the Chamber Music Hall. The Mezzanine Hall on the first level has a wooden floor and a large window overlooking the street. The two areas, linked by two staircases, mean that all kinds of exhibitions and events can be organised there, together with congress meals or closing dinners, large banquets or cocktails.

Ground Floor Exhibition Hall

The ground floor Exhibition Hall is an ideal space for trade fairs, salons, commercial exhibitions linked to congress and large-scale banquets. It has a surface area of 2,000 m2 and a height of between 3-9.25 m, plus electrical/voice/data connections and running water. This hall has two independent accesses: one from the lobby and the other from the plaza.


Sala Mezanina, located on level 1, can house exhibitions, presentations or meals or act as a complement to the Exhibition Hall in trade fairs. It has a surface area of 1,000 m2 and a height of 5.35 m, plus electrical/voice/data connections. Access to the Mezzanine is via three routes: the two staircases or the lift (elevator) located in the Exhibition Hall. It also has a goods lift with access to the Exhibition Halls and the Sala de la Muralla.

Technical data

Surface in ground floor: 2.000 m2
Height in ground floor: from 3,50 to 9,25 m
Surface in first floor:: 1.000 m2
Height first floor: 5,35 m
Electrical connections
Telephone and Internet connections
Hydrants and drenages



Photographs (click to enlarge)

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